Letter from the Chair

At our May meeting, I announced my plans to resign as chair of our county party effective June 13, 2022. Our family is moving later this summer and as much as I’d love to, I just can’t be chair while living a few hours away. 😄

We’ll hold a special election to fill the position of chair on Monday June 13th at 6pm. Please use this link to register for that meeting.

If you’d like to run for chair, let our Executive Committee know. That way our party members can consider who they’d like to vote for.

And if you have questions about the role, feel free to get in touch with me. I’m happy to answer any questions you have. 

On a personal note – thank you for the opportunity to serve as chair for this incredible team. I hope your faith in me lived up to the work we’ve done. I wish each and every one of you the absolute best in the many election cycles to come. 

– Chase

Chase Clemons
Chair – Lincoln County Democratic Party